Emergency Management
Volunteer Florida is the state’s lead agency for volunteers and donations before, during, and after disasters. In partnership with the Florida Division of Emergency Management, Volunteer Florida:
- Coordinates with Florida Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) and local and state government emergency management agencies to meet volunteer and donation needs
- Provides staffing during activation of the State Emergency Operations Center
- Provides training and presentations on the roles of government and nongovernmental organizations in disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation
- Provides fiscal and program management for federal, state, and privately funded programs
- Provides training for government, non-government, and private sector organizations on disaster volunteer and donations management
- Mobilizes and deploys resources to assist communities responding to and recovering from disaster
- Operates the ESF (Emergency Support Function) 15 and deploys trained Volunteer Florida staff to assist the Florida Division of Emergency Management if necessary
- Operates the Volunteer and Donations Hotline and the Florida Donations Portal
Immediately following disasters, individuals seeking financial assistance should register with FEMA at 800-621-FEMA or www.disasterassistance.gov.